- 100 top law-related Internet sites
- Abstracts of ABA's publication Law Practice Management
- ACJNet - Access to Justice Network
- Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB)
- Advertising restrictions on lawyers (not all states are listed)
- Agencies that regulate charitable groups in a variety of states, maintained by the State of Maryland
- All about law schools, bar exams, and similar data
- downloadable .pdf file, the American Association of Law Librarians Guide to Fair Business Practices for Legal Publishers
- the American Bar Association s Domestic Violence Section
- American College of Forensic Examiners home page
- From Harvard Law School and the United Nations Population Fund: database entitled the Annual Review of Population Law, 1974-1995
- answers to FAQs on legal topics
- database of appellate briefs and trial memoranda (search for free, pay to download)
- Assorted databases, reverse directories, and other investigative tools -- maintained by the Crime Time Publishing Company for use of private investigators and related professions
- BigEar - Current Legal Resources on the Net
- biographies of the Supreme Court Justices, compiled by Court TV
- the 17th edition of the Bluebook can be ordered online
- Center for Court Innovation
- ClaimResolver, a for-profit resolution service
- CLE furnished by Law Seminars International
- clickNsettle, a for-profit mediation service utilizing a "blind bid" process
- collection of law-related topics
- College Hill Internet Consultants in Cambridge (MA), a company designing web pages for law firms
- Commercial page created by an attorney
- compilation of civil rights information, including federal and state Bills of Rights
- consumer-friendly site from an Akron, NY, firm
- a consumer's guide from the American Bar Association
- helps corporate counsel locate pro bono opportunities
- Corporative Investigate Services , a site with a sense of humor and hundreds of compactly listed links
- Counsel Quest - Substantive links to legal and governmental information available on the Net.
- course on the law of cyberspace offered during the fall 1997 semester at University of Kansas
- Court TV online
- Courtguide, including floor plans of various courthouses
- Cusack & Knowles, P.L.L.C., a law firm in Seattle (WA), pictures its paralegals on the firm's home page, gives the background of each, and explain how their services are cost-effective
- Cybersettle, an on-line settlement service primarily for insurance disputes.
- The CyberSpace Law Center, FindLaw's resource page for legal issues concerning cyberspace
- From AA&E through WIS, a dictionary of acronyms commonly used by the Defense Technical Information Center
- Directory of Legal Academia, maintained by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell School of Law in Ithaca, NY
- Directory of Legal Employers
- for persons whose lives have been affected by someone's driving while intoxicated
- e-book by an Ohio paralegal
- Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund
- application designed specifically for attorney's or corporation's assessment of the overpayment created by use of occupational employment statistics data in 2002, maintained by the Economic Research Institute
- Electronic information law and policy report, maintained by Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Ethics Resources on the Net, maintained by DePaul University of Chicago
- Encyclopedia of Law & Economics
- sources for expert witnesses
- Famous Trials, presented by Doug Linder
- extensive information on federal campaign contributions, including PACs and "soft" money contributions, for the last three federal election cycles
- FindLaw - A FREE index of FREE legal resources on the internet
- Findlaw's update on legal news
- Florida Administrative Weekly, with back issues to 06/98
- Gates to Northwest Law, a page focusing on law-related events in the Pacific Northwest, maintained by Washington attorney Brad Hillis
- guide to other law-related web sites
- article, "Homeowners in the Workplace: Are Their Torts Covered?" by two attorneys at Lexson Pruet Jacobs & Pollard, LLP, a North Carolina firm
- I-Courthouse, offering on-line summary jury trials
- iLevel, a consumer-oriented dispute resolution service
- Index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles or "DOT"
- Index of the Standard Industrial Classifications or "SIC"
- information page maintained by law specialty bookseller Legal Recourse
- Designed for international legal counsel
- Internet Law Sites
- Internet Legal Resource
- Internet Neutral, with resumes of the neutrals posted
- J.P., the Legal Cartoon, updated every Monday and Thursday by David Carter
- Justice page, maintained by the Leadership Council for Mental Health, Justice, and the Media
- keylaw.com -- page offers mediation services, downloadable forms, and legal research tips
- King & Spaulding, law firm in Atlanta (GA)
- KOMNAS, the National Commission on Human Rights in Indonesia
- Law and Legal Resources Home Page
- Law Employment Center - Legal job listings, advice and columns
- Law Enforcement Gays and Lesbians (LEGAL) of Minnesota - Provides support and communication for police officers, firefighters, corrections, and other criminal justice employees
- Law Firm Management
- Law Librarian's Online Library - LOGIN: aallnet
- Law-Related Employment Resources
- Law-Related Internet Sites
- LawTalk
- Law and Technology Home Page
- The Lawfinder
- LawGuru - An invaluable library of legal resources.
- Law Information Page
- League of Conservation Voters
- Legal Aid Society of New York
- Legal Citation
- Legal Clipart
- Legal Forms
- American Arbitration Association (e.g., Clauses)
- Chart of Secretary of State forms available for downloading, furnished by CorpAmerica
- court forms from the 50 states and federal forms
- database of legal forms, many of which are free
- Electronic Legal Source - Online Legal Forms
- Forms from the Feds, a resource of federal forms maintained by the University of Memphis, TN
- Global Arbitration and Mediation Associates (Misc.Corp.and Gen. Forms)
- The Institute of Continuing Legal Education - Forms for Michigan Lawyers
- Law Office Software List for the Macintosh Computer Contains information on standardized forms packages for the Macintosh. By Randy B. Singer, Esq.
- The 'Lectric Law Library's Legal Forms Room
- Miscellaneous - e.g., Wills, Affidavits, Releases, etc.
- Mississippi Legal Forms Hundreds of Mississippi legal forms by subscription.
- Realty LawNet Contains corporate and business enterprise forms (focused on Colorado law).
- Social Security Administration
- source of variety of legal forms
- Texas Legal Forms from Texas Legal.com
- Tax Forms
- a guide to legal abbreviations, compiled by Drake University Law School in Des Moines, Iowa
- legal information for eleven western states (AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)
- Legal Information Institute
- Legal Information Products by BNA
- Legal Justice Reform Network
- legal nurse consultants offer newsletter on medical/legal issues
- Legal publisher Bureau of National Affairs home page
- list of legal publishers' web sites , maintained by Rob Richards of the University of Colorado law library
- compilation of sites that offer legal research resources without charge
- collection of legal resources
- Legal resources sorted by jurisdiction at NetJustice's home page
- Legal Support Net
- Legalethics.com Home Page
- Lender Liability Law Page, maintained by an assistant general counsel for Bank of America Corp.
- LexisOne, designed for sole practitioners
- Information on licensing requirements in each state for private investigators
- Maritime Legal Resources, a consulting firm headquartered in Charleston (SC)
- Martindale-Hubbell online
- Mediation Information and Resources Center, for-profit forum with fees depending on value of disputed amount
- Merlin Information Services
- Microsoft antitrust matters - daily updates maintained by Reuters
- Microsoft's focus on its potential users in the legal workplace updated every two weeks
- Modern Language Association rules for citing sources from the World Wide Web
- municipal codes of a variety of cities
- Newsletter focusing on law-related Internet sites
- Nolo Press Self-Help Law Center
- Northwest-based law firm Perkins, Coe
- NRDC Web: Legislative Watch
- A collection of articles re online marketing strategy
- OnlineMediators.com -- a for-profit online mediation service
- Page developed by Dallas paralegal Christian Anderson to accompany and update his textbook on intellectual property
- Home page of freelance Philadelphia paralegal working in intellectual property -- promotes the paralegal profession and ethics, as well as offering useful links
- Paralegal studies program home page, at Clayton College and State University in Morrow (GA), maintained by program director Perry Binder
- Practicing Attorney's Home Page
- Precision Forensics, L.L.C. -- Austin (TX) - based services in trial presentations
- Privacy Rights
- a subscription database to help you find a professional private investigator, maintained by ION Network
- Pro Se or Non-Adversarial Divorce Helpline
- Publications of the White House by date released, beginning with 1993
- publishers of state codes
- Qui Tam Information Center
- The Real Life Dictionary of the Law online, specializing in plain English definitions of legal terms
- The Real Property and Financial Services Section of the Hawaii State Bar
- Riordan & McKinzie Law Firm, Los Angeles (CA)
- Rules of Professional Conduct (Lawyer Ethics)
- Rushfeldt, Shelley & Drake, a law firm in Sherman Oaks (CA), lists its paralegals on its home page
- SettleOnline, a for-profit mediation service
- The Seamless Website - Law and Legal Resources
- The Settlement Law Group reports on various types of cases
- SquareTrade, a for-profit mediation service
- Subscription, searchable site of the indexes and tables of contents of the books published by numerous legal publication houses
- Shepard's LawTown
- Site for Legal Software Review
- THOMAS Legislative Resources on the Internet
- Tips on reading and briefing cases
- Tracking Legislative Information
- tutorial on designing a law firm website
- U.S. citizenship test -- study aid
- U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library
- U.S. Settlement Corporation, a for-profit mediation service founded by former chief U.S. magistrate
- USA Law Publications Legal forms for on-line creation.
- University of Richmond Journal of Law & Technology
- Vendor of state and federal forms
- Vermont Forms File from the Josh Fitzhugh Law Firm in Montpelier. Various forms available via email.
- You're the attorney, trying a simulated case before an interactive judge
- W3 Lawyer contains links to sites with forms
- Web Bar Association
- WebMediate
- West Legal Directory helps you find a lawyer or learn about a legal topic
- The "Whois" database of the Internet Network Information Center, the place to see who has registered what URL
FindLaw for The Public (New Window) A resource for finding legal assistance.
Pre-Paid Legal Services (New Window) Legal services for less than a cup of coffe a day.
Classactionamerica.com (New Window) Free class action and product recall information newsletter.
FreeAdvice (New Window) Easy-to-use site for legal information.
NOLO (New Window) A general legal resource.
USLaw.com (New Window) An internet-based, real-time legal information service.
Westlaw.com (New Window) A comprehensive legal resource for attorneys and students.
The Internet Lawyer (New Window) A general legal resource.
MyCounsel.com (New Window) Offers guidance from leading lawyers, legal information for small businesses and comprehensive legal solutions.
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Law.com (New Window) Where legal professionals and law students come for news, legal information and e-law services.
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Legal Information Institute (New Window) Vast Variety of resources dealing with law, provided by the Cornell School of Law.
Yale Law School (New Window) A top U.S. law school.
Institute for First Amendment Studies (New Window) Specializes in freedom of speech legal issues.
Lawyers.com (New Window) Find a lawyer, learn about laws, and know your legal options.
Encyclopedia of Law & Economics (New Window) A law and economics literature resource.
Death Penalty Information Center (New Window) Lobby group attempting to reverse the death penalty law.
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Federal Gateway (New Window) Huge directory of federal government links.
U.S. Department of Justice (New Window) Working to enforce the laws and interests of the United States.
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U.S Copyright Office (New Window) Provides copyright guidelines and an easy-to-use search engine.
lexisONE (New Window) Features caselaw, legal forms and an Internet legal guide.
Prairielaw.com (New Window) A general legal resource.
Supreme Court Collection (New Window) Learn about the current and previous Supreme Court justices.
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The Association of American Law Schools (New Window) Homepage of the national law school association with links and more.
GPO Access (New Window) A general legal resource.
Ohio State University College of Law (New Window) A top U.S. law school.
American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (New Window) A professional association consisting of approximately 2,700 lawyers from throughout the United States.
AllLaw.com (New Window) An Internet legal directory.
Legal Center (New Window) A source for legal information solutions from bizjournals.com
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 AllPosters.com (New ) Features the best selection of posters and prints in the world.
Brief Reporter (New Window) Archive of legal briefs.
CataLaw (New Window) "Catalog of catalogs of law on the 'net."
Claitor's Law Books and Publishing Division (New Window) Distributes Government Printing Office documents.
Today in Congress (New Window) Guide to daily congressional activities from the Washington Post.
Cyberspace Bar Association (New Window) Provides lawyer referrals.
Democracy Network (New Window) Public interest site for election information from the League of Women Voters.
MegaLaw (New Window) Includes law links, research information and search engine.
Dumb Laws (New Window) A huge collection of the most senseless laws throughout the world.
EPA (New Window) The homepage of the Environmental Protection Agency.
FCC (New Window) The homepage of the Federal Communications Commission.
 peoplesound (New ) Get free Mp3s and music downloads.
About.com: Law (New Window) Information on legal issues, events and resources.
FDA (New Window) Food and Drug Administration's homepage.
Federal Courts Law Review (New Window) Designed for scholars of federal legal issues.
FindLaw (New Window) A general legal resource.
Hieros Gamos (New Window) A general legal guide.
Duke University School of Law (New Window) Top ranked law school.
KnowX.com (New Window) Legal document search engine.
Columbia Law School (New Window) A top U.S. law school.
thelawyerpages.com (New Window) Valuable law information for professionals and consumers.
Legal dot Net (New Window) A directory of legal resources.
 eBay (New ) The largest auction site in the world. Bid on millions of items.
American Legal Ethics Library (New Window) Covers ethical issues facing the legal profession.
Law About (New Window) Directory of legal resources on the Internet.
United States Code (New Window) Unabridged U.S. law resource.
Emory University School of Law (New Window) Top-ranked law school's home page
SeniorLaw (New Window) Information regarding elder law, Medicare, estate planning and other valuable resources.
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Federal Communications Law Journal (New Window) Online version of the legal journal.
NYU School of Law (New Window) A top U.S. law school.
UCLA School of Law (New Window) A top U.S. law school.
University of Michigan Law School (New Window) A top-ranked American law school.
 Tower Records (New ) Music and movie retail industry giant offering some of the lowest prices anywhere.
Law Forum (New Window) Directory of legal resources.
LawGuru (New Window) A legal self-help resource.
Courts.net (New Window) Directory of the nation's courts as well as other legal resources.
Lawlink Legal Research Jumpstation (New Window) Directory of law links.
LawInfo.com (New Window) Lawinfo offers a searchable directory to find lawyers, expert witnesses, paralegals, court reporters, private investigators, process servers, free legal forms & other legal support services.
LawLinks.com (New Window) General legal resource.
Law and Politics: Internet Guide (New Window) One-stop source for legal research.
CaseMatch (New Window) Provides information on finding and hiring attorneys.
LawResearch (New Window) A general legal resource.
University Law Review Project (New Window) A law journal index with search engine.
 SitsStay.com (New ) Extraordinary supplies for your favorite pet.
WORLDLawDirect.com (New Window) Free legal advice on US and international law.
Cornell Law Review (New Window) Online version of the bimonthly law journal.
The National Law Net (New Window) Index of law-related web sites.
American Law Sources On-line (New Window) A directory of free legal resources on the Internet.
BitLaw (New Window) A resource on technology law.
WWW Virtual Library: Political Science (New Window) Political science web directory.
Ask A Lawyer (New Window) A legal self-help resource.
National Law Journal (New Window) Online version of the weekly law journal.
National Bar Association (New Window) National organization for lawyers.
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (New Window) A bimonthly general law journal.
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Legal Engine (New Window) Over 1000 pages of information on just about everything dealing with law.
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San Bernardino County Bar Association (New Window) Free access to federal law information and attorneys.
Supreme Court Historical Society (New Window) A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. Lots of Supreme Court resources.
Public Affairs Web (New Window) Frequently updated public affairs and legal information resource.
QuickLaw (New Window) A Canadian legal database.
The Ethics Connection (New Window) Provides ethics tests and articles.
University of Iowa - International and Comparative Law Program (New Window) A top-ranked American law school.
United Nations (New Window) Official site of the United Nations.