As courtesy to fellow legal professionals, I'd like to present my "Paralegal's Cyber Resources" section, which I hope will be useful not only to attorneys and paralegals, but to anybody else who wants to explore the various legal and law related resources that are available electronically. I hope to make the page as comprehensive as possible. The toolbox is broken down into various compartments that contain links to law related sites pertaining to various areas of legal practice. Other non-legal related sites are listed which may assist you in practical, everyday law office tasks. I will try to include a brief description of each link, but after that, you're on your own!
Please read the disclaimer prior to exploring the cyber resources!
This site is always
Stop back frequently to see additions and improvements!
Last update: Mardch 12, 2003
Before you explore the resources, please read the following disclaimer!
(a.k.a., The Fine Print)
The New York Christian Law Society does not control any materials or content on other web sites. This website contains links to third party web sites that are owned and/or maintained by others. The links provided here are offered solely as a convenience to you, and not as an endorsement by the New York Christian Law Society or the contents found on such third party websites. The New York Christian Law Society are not responsible for the content of linked third party sites. If you decide to access linked third party sites, you do so at your own risk .
In certain circumstances, Paralegals may perform certain legal related services directly to the public without attorney supervision. In some jurisdictions, this is a murky issue, as U.P.L. (Unauthorized Practice of Law) statutes do not always clearly define what the unauthorized practice of law actually is. Caveat emptor!
We the People USA
Pacheco Paralegal and Collections Services -Maybe this is legal in Connecticut?
Attorney Alternatives
The following links will take you to various official court sites where you may obtain volumes of information, including court rules, docketing, opinions online, etc. Also listed are various legislative resources.
D.C. Superior Court - The main court for Washington DC
D.C. Court of Appeals - Gateway to the DC Appellate court's page at the DC Bar's site.
US District Court for the District of Columbia
US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit
Links to Federal Courts - The Federal Judicial Center
The D. C. Pretrial Services Agency - Criminal Division pretrial investigations
Iowa Judicial Branch - Court Records online!
The Maryland Judiciary - The Maryland legal system online
New Jersey State Legislature - Up to date legislative materials
Virginia Judicial System - Valuable Virginia court information
Capital Reports - Many links to various state courts
Texas Legislature - Texas House of Representatives
Native American Tribal Courts Online: Some even have published opinions!
State Court Locator - Courtesy of Villanova Law School!
U.S. - The Federal Judiciary Page
U.S. Court of Veteran's Appeals - Get recent decisions here!
The UCLA Online Institute for Cyberspace Law and Policy - Cyberlaw resources
Sensei Enterprises - "Bytes in Brief" is a cyberlaw oriented syndicated newslette
Electronic Evidence Recovery, Inc. -According to the founder, "You have no secrets on your computer."
Net Lingo - Learn the definitions of Internet words- You won't find "trolling" here!
The U.S. DOJ cyber crime page - Has info on cyberlaw & computer law cases!
Cool - An attorney with lots of Internet law resources, cyber forms, and a sense of humor too!
Been defrauded via the Net? - The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) is the place to file a complaint!
N.R. Cochran & Associates - Fallston Maryland Computer Crime Investigators
From time to time, I will add various resources that I think will be useful to legal professionals and the general public as well. You will find additional domestic relations/family law resources in the Pro Bono section of this site.
The D.C. Pro Bono Legal Crier - On line legal news and information. Lots of family law resources!
DC Child Support Calculator A self executing program you can download free!
Minnesota Courts - A guide to visitation solutions. A pretty good template!
My - Free online child support calculators for almost every juriadiction!
Downloadable Maryland Domestic Relations Forms - Many forms for your family law practice
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Victims of abuse, you can legally change your SSN!
Barbara Moir Condos, Esq.- D.C. Divorce specialist! Another one of my good pals!
Regina DeMeo, Esq. - DC and MD divorce specialist! I work with her at the Pro Se Plus clinics!
Bob Eustice, Esq. - DC, MD, & VA divorce specialist! My friend and colleague for over 5 years!
Susan Godman Rager, Esq., Custody & Support matters in VA, MD, & DC Check out her website!
The Family Division of the Union Co. New Jersey Superior Court - Has some info on NJ Family Law matters!
D.C. Government Child Support Enforcement Division - Assists custodial parent in recovering support payments!
Deliquent! List info and pictures on deadbeats wanted for failure to pay child support!
ATM Project - Provides useful information to those interested in common law and other relationships!
The purpose of this section is to provide laypersons and legal professionals with a source of legal and law related entertainment......
Lawrence Savell, Esq. - Legal Mirth - He knows how to turn that frown upside down! Buy his CD!
Court TV Follow real trials! Get the latest legal news! Watch episodes of HOMICIDE!
Big Government. Small Brains. Dumb Laws! The name says it all.
Got an insurance company beef? Check out this site!
An unofficial site for "The Practice."
For musical fun, visit the "Well Hung Jury," featuring the Perry Mason of Parody, Bob Noone!
Alabama Law - Devices designed / marketed as useful primarily for stimulation of human genital organs is obscene"
Perry Mason - A total Perry Mason Experience! Turn up your sound!
Judging Amy - The official site from CBS!
HOMICIDE - Life on the Street - A fan's excellent un-official webpage tribute!
Family Law! - See Dixie Carter & Tony Danza do family law!
Philly! See Kim Delaney (NYPD Blue) & Kyle Secor (Homicide!)portray Philly criminal lawyers!
The Guardian! Kinda unrealistic, since most state bars would suspend his license till he was rehabed!
LawGirl.Com- An entertaining site by a California entertainment attorney!
To Kill A Mockingbird - One of the greatest legal thrillers of all time. You gotta visit this site!
To return to the Cyber Toolbox index, click on the button below!
The following links go to US Government agencies and to other government related sites.
The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms - Learn about federal gun laws!
The U.S. Department of Agriculture - Search for info on USDA Rules & Regs!
The Internal Revenue Service: Getcha tax form here! Is it irony that this site is called the "Daily Digital?"
The U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service - Homepage Download INS forms!
The Bureau of Labor Statistics: They have statistics on almost everything related to employment!
The Federal Aviation Administration: Everything you wanted to know about aviation regulation
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : Need a weather report for a specific date? Get it here!
U.S. Department of Commerce's Fedworld site - Maintained by the National Technical Information Service
The Federal Bureau of Investigation - Visit the G-men's homepage!
Do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you!
Addresses . com - Search for the subject by their e-mail address!
N.R. Cochran & Associates - Fallston Maryland Private Investigators
Delta 2000 Consultants - International kidnap & ransom investigations and consulting!
DC adoption records - Sample pleadings to unseal the records
Hallstrom Detective Agency - Experienced at skip tracing and locating absent defendants.
KNOWX - Fee based investigative tool - Mostly public records for a fee
INFORMATION SEARCH INC. Cheapest search is $35.00 to locate subject by SSN! (credit header!)
National Search & Discovery - Free & fee based searches - Mega people search
Reverse Phone Directory - One of many reverse look-ups on the Web!
Search Bug - Locate missing persons with a click of the mouse!
Sex Offender Registries - Your subject could be listed here!
Social Security Master Death Index - Free! Can't bring 'em back alive? Maybe your subject is dead!
Steve Wagner's Law Resources - Interesting stuff!
Switchboard - Online white pages/people look-up
Texas Sources Of Information - All kinds of resources for Texas
The Real White Pages - Sponsored by Bell South
The Ultimates - Search for people for free
Virtual Gumshoe - Links to free & fee-based investigative resources available on the Web
Need Vital Records? - Information on all 50 states and terrritories!
U.S. Bureau of Prisons - Federal Inmate Locator
U.S. Army - Law Enforcement Field Investigations field manual F-M 19-20
Black Book Online - Free investigative resources!
Tech Tips - Links to law office technology resources!
Law Technology News - Read about the latest law office gizmos!
Gavel & Gown Software - Amicus Attorney - Feature packed law office management software!
Deerfield.Com - Download a trial version of Wingate.... Modem sharing software at its best!
Safeport - Web hosting service...many flexible packages to chose from ... excellent staff!
NameRoute.Com - If the name you want is available, you can register your domain name here!
WendyTech.Com - Wendy R. Leibowitz, Author, Attorney writes her own I.T. magazine
Scrunch - A Formatting, Indexing and Printing Program for Legal Transcripts
Most of these law related sites are for people who are bent on pro-se or "self help" legal assistance, or who are shopping around for an attorney. These sites do provide a lot of information that can be very helpful to legal professionals.
Do it yourself
America Law On Line - Focus on Domestic Relations Free!
Cite Checking - Cornell Law School helps you brush up on the basics of "Bluebooking."
Find Law - Free, full service megasite containing State & Federal Law!
Law Idea.Com - Many legal resources and links, all nicely organized!
Legal Encyclopedia Online - Brought to you by Nolo Press
Maryland Law On-Line Search Maryland law Free!
The DC BAR - Provides assistance to those who want to obtain a do it yourself divorce!
Nolo Press - Excellent source for self-help legal books
Search Systems - free searchable public records database online
Virginia Estate Planning Checklist - A Virginia attorney's informative site
Need a legal dictionary? Try Jurist!
International Law Dictionary & Directory - Main focus: commercial & business law!
Amazon has books on a variety of legal subjects
Duquesne University -- Has an extensive list of PA law related links
Suing a corporation? Get registered agent info here!
Attorneys for Hire in the DC Metro Area
Barbara Condos, Esq.- Specializing in Family Law in DC & MD
Hans U. Andersen, Esq.- Swedish - American Lawyer in D.C.- Specialist in Hague Convention matters!
Karalekas & Noone - Specializing in government Contracts, defense contracting, lobbying
Milton Heller & Associates - D.C. Personal Injury/Med Mal Specialists!
Spirer & Goldberg, P.C. - Personal Injury Specialists in D.C.
Thyden, Gross & Callahan - Chevy Chase Firm specializing in Family Law, Corporate, Personal Injury
Attorneys for Hire Outside the DC Metro Area
Bought a Lemon? - New Jersey and Pennsylvania Lemon Law Help by Attorney David J. Gorberg!
Injured by Medical Malpractice? - Wapner, Newman & Wigrizer of Philadelphia, PA can help!
ABA - The American Bar Association
ATLA - The Association of Trial Lawyers of America
The Bar Association of the District of Columbia - The District's voluntary bar association.
The District of Columbia Bar - The District's mandatory bar association.
HBA-DC - The Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia
The Maryland State Bar - Has lots of public information regarding Maryland legal topics!
NBA - The National Bar Association
National Organization of Bar Counsel - The people who keep lawyers honest
NOSSCR - The National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives
Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia
Various sites where you can look up statutes and/or case law, opinions, etc. Also, see Legal Information on this page. Never rely on any law without Shepardizing it first!
Alternatives to Lexis and Westlaw - Internet Tools for Lawyers
American Legal Publishing - Many searchable county codes, including Montgomery Co., MD
American Law Sources On-line - Another source to search state codes, opinions and other materials
British and Irish Legal Information Institute - Freely Available British and Irish Public Legal Information
Canadian Law - Canada Law Topics
Case Clerk - $29.95 / day with 24 hour subscription-My favorite cheap resource for state case law
Civil Code of Mongolia - Indiana University
Cornell U. Law School has searchable Supreme Court decisions!
D.C Court of Appeals - View opinions online. Goes bak to January, 1997
Exporting encryption products? Find out about US Regulations here!
Emory University Law Library - Free legal research
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure - Look up rules here!
Georgetown University Law Library - Free Federal Court Opinions
Glenn E. Bradford, Esq. - This firm has excellent resources for military justice
HIEROS GAMOS - Legal Research Center
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington - WWW Virtual Law Library - DE.MD, PA, VA, Courts Has some free stuff or subscribe $99 a year!
Jewish - presents a wealth of information on Halacha, Jewish issues and secular law.
Law - A nicely organized research tool
LawResearch.Com - A free legal research resource
LOIS LAW - Legal research for a fee!
LEXIS - Fee Based - Also a very good fee based people locator and Public Records database!
Marijuana News - Excellent criminal law resource for drug cases!
Muni Code - Maryland Municipal Codes online!
The National Law Journal - Has a comprehensive compendium of links to court sites
NY State Courts - A Nicely compiled list of links to legal research on the Web!
Nolo Updates - Articles regarding recent decisions
PACER Service Center - Federal court docketing. Requires an account.
Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas - Search dockets online!
SHEPARDS - How to do it with the books and online!
Shepardize - For a fee, you can pay as you go, online with Lexis!
Search the U.S. Code - Courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives
Search the U.S. Code - Cornell University Online Law Library - More user friendly search engine!
Search the U.S. Code of Federal regulations & the Federal Register - From the National Archives!
Tribal Courts - National Tribal Justice Resource Center's Tribal Court Opinion Search Page.
United States Court of Appeals Federal Circuit - Opinons on line!
U.S. Supreme Court - Orders and Opinions on line!
U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals - Searchable Opinions!
University of Chicago Law Library - Links to International Law Sites
Vital Records? The Social Security Administration has an excellent resource for all 50 states!
Versus Law - Mostly fee based, but their links to state codes are free!
Westlaw - A very good fee based resource. Subscription or transactional research
Legal Publications
The Daily Washington Law Reporter - You can buy legal forms through the DWLR
DC Legal Times - District of Columbia legal news
The DC Pro Bono Legal Crier - Free! News for pro Bono providers in the DC metro area-monthly publication!
Lawyer's Weekly USA - Online version of the hardcopy edition
Vendors who can assist you with various aspects of litigation support!
Electronic filing is here!- Visit the CourtLink site to learn more!
Iron Mountain - Specialists in archiving your records
Metropolitan Process Services - Serving the metropolitan DC area!
The National Capital Area Paralegal Concierge - Document Retrieval -Litigation support on a PRN basis!
Process Service Network - Find a process server in your jurisdiction
Zerop Medical - They can obtain your client's medical records and deliver them to you electronically!
The following links will connect you to various on line skip tracers and locator services that charge a fee for service. While not endorsing any of the vendors listed below, I have not listed anybody that I have used who has not performed to my satisfaction.
SpeedySearch - Fee Based People Finder, Asset Search, Public Records Locator
US Find - Fee Based People Finder, Asset Search, Public Records Locator
PDJ Services - Free and Fee bases searches
NFPA - National Federation of Paralegal Associations
NCAPA - National Capital Area Paralegal Association
NALA - The National Association of Legal Assistants
NPA - The National Paralegal Association
The Paralegal Gateway - A new place for paralegals to connect with other paralegals
ACALA ONLINE - A website for minority paralegals
The PJA School - Paralegal & Para-Accounting in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
Kaplan College - Earn a paralegal degree in Boca Raton, Florida
AIPS - Illinois based distance learning paralegal studies
The Washington Online Learning Institute - Earn a paralegal certificate online
AAfPE - American Association for Paralegal Education - links to various schools
Toolbox index, click on the button below!
Photo by G. Petersen
-Updated 2/18/03 |
In addition to the various general legal links and topics found in the Toolbox, I have created special
compartments in the Toolbox, just for personal injury and medical malpractice practitioners. Click below to read the Personal Injury & Med Mal Gazette.
Personal Injury Resources
Medical Malpractice Resources
PET LAW - Updated 2/18/03
Photo by G. Petersen
My dog, Ms. Wishbone, posed for the above mug shot! To see it full size, click on it! If you have a pet related issue, you may be able to find help by clicking on the links below!
Animal Behavior Counseling Services, Inc. - Expert Trial Witness, Richard H. Polsky, Ph.D.
Dog Bite Information Center - All you ever wanted to know about dog bites!
Dog Bite Law - An attorney's dog bite mega site!
Dog Owner's Guide - Featuring Ohio Dog Laws
Islamic Law in Iran: Dogs are unclean! The Shia religious rulings consider canines "najess."
Montgomery Co. Maryland Animal Shelter - They have a link to the local dog laws!
Montgomery Co. Maryland Animal Matters Hearing Board-Animal cases heard here!
New York Pet Lawyer Joel Zand, Esq. - If you live in NYC, he's your man for pet law!
Nolo Press - Buy a Dog Law book
Paw Law - An attorney/dog trainer does her thing!
PA Attorney Provides Pro Bono Assistance in Pet "Lemon Law" Matters - Attorney David J. Gorberg!
Pennsylvania has a puppy "lemon law" - Read about it here!
Pet Lawyer - He specializes in what else? Pet Law!
The Pet Tribune Online has a section called "Pets in Court."
Iguanas and ferrets among animals banned in NYC
The D.C. Registry - Search the DC Registry online to locate various D.C. resources!
USPS Zip Code Lookup - Brought to you by the US Postal Service
STAMPS.COM - Buy postage online!
Federal Express - Ship or track a package!
United Parcel Service - Ship or track a package!
Try Lex Scripta's Desktop References Need a slang dictionary? ...This be 'da chumppie!
The Official U.S. Time Public service is cooperatively provided by U.S. government agencies!
Need discount printer cartridges? - Try Print
PRO BONO - Updated 2/18/03
Listed below are various organizations that provide "pro-bono," or free legal information and/or assistance to individuals who are unable to afford the advice and counsel of a lawyer. Pro bono assistance comes in many forms, from teaching litigants to help/represent themselves (pro-se), while others will actually represent the needy litigant in their legal matter.
ACLU - The American Civil Liberties Union handles matters involving Constitutional issues only!
DC Pro Bono Legal Crier - A monthly newsletter and resource for pro-bono providers!
DC Bar's Pro Bono Program - The Pro Bono program sponsors programs in many practice areas!
Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant -Many Pro Bono Resources!
Maryland Legal Aid Bureau - Free civil legal services in Maryland for low-income people!
Montgomery County Maryland Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program-Free legal assistance!
Palmetto Legal Services - For South Carolina residents Civil matters only!
PA Attorney Provides Pro Bono Assistance in Pet "Lemon Law" Matters - Attorney David J. Gorberg!
Pro Bono Net - Online resource for pro bono providers!
People's Law - Maryland Legal Assistance Network may be able to help you represent yourself!
Legal Services of Northern Virginia - Has programs to help Vorthern VA's indigent!
LEGAL STRESS BUSTERS - Updated 2/18/03
All work and no play makes for a very unhealthy day! The following links will take to to various places on the Internet where you can play to your heart's content. There will be lots of parody, satire, and just plain goofy stuff for you to look at (and listen to) as well as some pretty cool online games you can play! Given the current situation that this country is in, I think it is only fitting that the first link lead you to:
Been discriminated against due to the length of your hair? Read This!
bin Laden's Liquors! Do your patriotic duty! Get Osama! Pay him back for 911!
Our troops can't find bin Laden, but you can get him here!
Shoot it out with Taliban terrorists here!
Here's a bunch of kill Osama games!
Visit the "I hate Osama" Website - Lotsa cool stuff!
The Onion - An online satire magazine!
Morons.Org - Pokes fun at much of the loonieness that occurs in our society!
Colorgenics! This guy claims he can profile your personality type by the colors you pick!